Diagnostics for CNS-related diseases

Baseline and specialty testing for diagnosis and therapy

Baseline and specialty testing for diagnosis and therapy
Neurological diagnostics is based on a combination of the patient's medical history, clinical examinations and laboratory diagnostics. Due to the large number of possible differential diagnoses, laboratory diagnostics has attained a vital role and is now an integral part of the clinical routine.
One key element is serum diagnostics, to help rule out e.g. inflammation, vitamin deficiencies, endocrine or metabolic disorders or paraneoplastic syndrome. CSF testing provides additional diagnostic assessment of potential bacterial, autoimmune or neurodegenerative diseases.
MVZ Labor Limbach and Limbach Gruppe offer the benefits of a full range of laboratory diagnostic services to give you the best possible support in your diagnostic assessments and therapy decisions.

Our core services neurologic disease diagnostics

  • Full test range for proteins and other analytes in serum and CSF
  • Laboratory diagnostic analysis of blood-CSF barrier function and intrathecal immunoglobulin synthesis
  • Direct and indirect detection of CNS infections
  • Detection of autoantibodies for diagnosis of autoimmune and paraneoplastic CNS syndromes, e.g. limbic encephalitis, stiff person syndrome, myasthenia gravis, Lambert-Eaton syndrome, polyneuropathy or Guillain-Barré syndrome
  • Detection of markers of neurodegenerative diseases for diagnosis of Alzheimer’s dementia or Creutzfeldt-Jakob’s disease


Your contacts

Dr. med. Dörte Beier Specialist in Laboratory Medicine +49 6221 3432-578 doerte.beier@labor-limbach.de
Steffen Busch Technical management of immunology +49 6221 3432-486 steffen.busch@labor-limbach.de
Dr. med. Irena Crnkovic-Mertens Specialist in laboratory medicine +49 6221 3432-346 irena.crnkovic-mertens@labor-limbach.de

CNS infections

Carmen Black Specialist in Laboratory Medicine +49 6221 3432-122 carmen.black@labor-limbach.de

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