Kidney diagnostics

Laboratory testing for early detection of kidney damage


Widespread diseases such as diabetes mellitus and poorly controlled hypertension are the most common causes of chronic kidney damage. But there are also numerous other causes of kidney damage such as drug-induced injury, chronic inflammation of the kidneys or the renal pelvis, hereditary diseases, systemic autoimmune diseases, kidney stones or mechanical obstructions of the urinary tract.
Most kidney diseases develop unnoticed by the patient and are therefore not diagnosed until an advanced stage. Targeted laboratory testing at regular intervals is all the more important in patients with diabetes mellitus and hypertension, to help identify kidney damage at an early stage.
Limbach Gruppe offers a full portfolio of methods and tests. As a leading laboratory group in nephrological laboratory diagnostics, Limbach Gruppe has been providing assistance to physician’s offices, dialysis clinics and hospitals for many years, also by contributing medical expertise on nephrological issues.

Our core services in kidney diagnostics

  • Baseline diagnostics (incl. GFR, albumin-to-creatinine ratio in urine)
  • Diagnostic assessment and differentiation of proteinuria
  • Monitoring of patients with renal insufficiency
  • Monitoring of dialysis patients
  • Monitoring of patients after kidney transplant
  • Determination of free light chains in patients receiving HCO dialysis
  • Detection of NGAL in patients with acute kidney failure
  • Analysis of urinary calculi


Ihre Ansprechpartner

Dr. med. Martina Fliser Specialist in Laboratory Medicine Head of Nephrology Division Limbach Gruppe SE, Heidelberg
Prof. Dr. Peter Findeisen Specialist in Laboratory Medicine Head of Laboratory Medicine +49 6221 3432-442

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